Getting Started

Here we guide you to get started on using FISHNET for your next project.

Note: if you use FISHNET in published research, please cite:

Acharya et al. (2025) FISHNET citation doi:

Table of contents

  1. Installation
  2. Quick start
    1. Execution
    2. Output files


Clone the FISHENT GitHub repository and cd into the local repository:

$ git clone
$ cd fishnet/

Run FISHNET on test data to verify successful installation:

$ ./ --test

Note: If your platform does not support Docker (e.g. in a HPC environment), use the --singularity flag:

$ ./ --test --singularity

Quick start


Here we show the most basic steps for a FISHNET analysis. There are a variety of configuration options which are detailed in Configuration. This code chunk assumes that you have an input summary statistics file at /path/to/input/file.csv (comma-separated with columns named “Genes” and “p_vals”) and a set of tab-delimited .txt network module files at /path/to/modules/directory/.

$ ./ \
    --trait /path/to/input/file.csv \
    --modules /path/to/modules/directory/

This will run both stages of FISHNET with 10 permutations (by default) using the default thresholding method (by default).

Output files

The output files are saved in a results/ subdirectory (by default) relative to the current working directory where you launch Here, we guide you through the expected output directory structure.

  1. The results/data/ directory stores the input summary statistics file and the input module networks. In addition, the results/data/<trait>RR/ directory saves the uniformly distributed p-values based on the input summary statitics file as <trait>RR.csv.
    └── data/
     └── <trait>/
         └── 0-<trait>.csv
     └── <trait>RR/
         └── <trait>RR.csv
     └── modules/
         └── <module_algorithm>/
             ├── <module1>.txt
             ├── ...
             └── <module3>.txt
  2. The results/<trait>/ directory stores results for the input summary statistics p-values. The master_sumary.csv is the final output file from FISHNET. The enriched_modules/ directory lists significantly enriched modules for each network. The GO_summaries/ directory lists statistics for the GO overrepresentation analysis.
    └── <trait>/
     └── background_genes/
         ├── <module_algorithm>-<module1>.txt
         ├── ...
         └── <module_algorithm>-<module3>.txt
     └── enriched_modules/
         ├── <trait>-<module3>
         └── └── sig_<trait>-<module3>-179.txt
     └── GO_summaries/
         └── <trait>/
             ├── GO_summaries_0-<trait>_<module1>/
             ├── GO_summaries_0-<trait>_<module3>/
             └── └── sig_<trait>_0-<trait>_<module3>_179.csv
     ├── <trait>.txt
     └── masterSummaries/
         └── summaries/
             ├── <trait>_0-<trait>_<module1>.csv
             ├── ...
             └── <trait>_0-<trait>_<module3>.csv
     ├── master_summary.csv
     ├── master_summary_filtered.csv
     ├── master_summary_filtered_parsed.csv
     └── results/
         └── raw/
             ├── <module1>_0-<trait>_<module1>_or_fishnet_genes.csv
             ├── <module1>_0-<trait>_<module1>_or_summary.csv
             ├── ...
             ├── <module3>_0-<trait>_<module3>_or_fishnet_genes.csv
             └── <module3>_0-<trait>_<module3>_or_summary.csv
     └── summary/
         ├── 0-<trait>_<module1>_summary.csv
         ├── ...
         └── 0-<trait>_<module3>_summary.csv

    SANDEEP: please describe the master_summary.csv file and how a user can interpret its contents.

  3. The results/<trait>RR/ directory stores results for the permutations. Subdirectory contents are identical to the original <trait> directory as described above.
    └── <trait>RR/
     ├── background_genes/
     └── enriched_modules/
         ├── <trait>RR-<module1>/
         ├── <trait>RR-<module3>/
         ├── GO_summaries/
         └── <trait>RR/
     ├── <trait>RR.txt
     └── masterSummaries/
         └── summaries/
     ├── master_summary.csv
     ├── master_summary_filtered.csv
     └── master_summary_filtered_parsed.csv