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Filter for manual passes (overrides auto fail), automatic passes (unless auto failed), and optionally RLE IQR

Filter for manual passes (overrides auto fail), automatic passes (unless auto failed), and optionally RLE IQR


qaFilter(x, ...)

# S4 method for brentlabRnaSeqSet

# S4 method for brentlabRnaSeqExperiment
qaFilter(x, rle_iqr_threshold = NA, iqr_colname = NA)



a brentlabRnaSeqSet object


other arguments


default is NA, which means no rle_iqr_threshold filtering. Set a value to filter based on RLE IQR. Note: RLE stats are all calculated after removing the libraryDate effect.


default is NA, which creates the iqr col name from the set name in the object. Pass the col name itself, eg "my_set_iqr", to specify a iqr column name manually


a quality assessment filtered brentlabRnaSeqSet object

a quality assessment filtered brentlabRnaSeqExperiment object


on the brentlabRnaSeqSet (as opposed to the brentlabRnaSeqExperiment), this only filters on manualAudit and autoAudit. no rle filtering

If there are less than 3 replicates, the RLE stats will be NA. These are returned, also. Filter them out of the returned object if you wish to have only those samples with more than 3 replicates.