QC: Library Quality
Chase Mateusiak
Details of library quality metrics and thresholds brentlabRnaSeqTools package version:
Metric | Threshold | Status |
Protein Coding Total | 1e6 | 1 |
Not Aligned Total Percent | .07 | 2 |
Perturbed Coverage | .25 | 4 |
NAT coverage: expected | .5 | 8 |
NAT log2cpm: expected | 5 | 8 |
NAT coverage: unexpected | .5 | 16 |
NAT log2cpm: unexpected | 2.5 | 16 |
G418 log2cpm: expected | 5.688 | 32 |
G418 log2cpm: unexpected | 5.688 | 64 |
overexpression FOW | 2 | 128 |
missing marker in metadata | 256 |
Note that libraryComplexity is included in the qc metrics now, but there is no threshold currently set. The default setting for libraryComplexity is to calculate the portion of the total counts made up by the top 25 expressed genes
Get the metadata from the database
meta = getMetadata(
Create QC table
You will need to have the cluster mounted to your local for this to work. Note that you may get warnings about the index file being older than the bam. That isn’t critical and can generally be ignored, though something I am aware of and trying to figure out.
pipeline_out = "/mnt/scratch/rnaseq_pipeline/align_count_results/run_5500/rnaseq_pipeline_results/run_5500_samples"
run_qc = novoalignPipelineQC(run_df, pipeline_out, Sys.getenv("kn99_stranded_gff_rds"))
parse this out into a QC sheet
qc_table = addQcColsToMeta(run_df, run_qc)
# write_csv(dplyr::select(qc_df, -c(genotype1, genotype2, marker1, marker2)),
# "~/Desktop/tmp/run_5500_qc.csv")
auto and manual audit
audited_qc_df = autoAuditQcTable(qc_table) %>%
# add manual audit columns
mutate(manualAudit = NA,
manualStatus = NA)
post Counts to database
count_files = Sys.glob(file.path(pipeline_out, "count", "*_read_count.tsv"))
names(count_files) = str_remove(basename(count_files), "_read_count.tsv")
compiled_counts = map(names(count_files), ~readHTSeqFile(count_files[[.]], .)) %>%
plyr::join_all() %>%
filter(!startsWith(feature, "__")) %>%
fastq_df = read_csv("/mnt/lts/sequence_data/rnaseq_data/kn99_database_archive/20220131/fastqFiles.csv")
# note: commented out to prevent me from accidently running this
# res = postCounts(database_info$kn99$urls$counts,
# 5500,
# Sys.getenv("kn99_db_token"),
# compiled_counts,
# fastq_df)
# res
Send QC to database
# note: commented out in the vignette to prevent me from running accidently
# res = postQcSheet_test(database_info$kn99$urls$qualityAssess,
# Sys.getenv("kn99_db_token"),
# 5500,
# "~/Desktop/tmp/run_5500_qc.csv",
# "/mnt/lts/sequence_data/rnaseq_data/kn99_database_archive/20220131/fastqFiles.csv")
# a code of 200 or 201 means it worked. anything else means failure
# res
IGV browser shot
kn99_gff = readRDS(Sys.getenv("kn99_stranded_gff_rds"))
unique_loci = str_replace(unique(run_qc$locus), "CNAG", "CKF44")
unique_loci = c(unique_loci, c("CNAG_NAT", "CNAG_G418"))
bam_prefix = file.path(pipeline_out, "align")
bam_suffix = "_sorted_aligned_reads_with_annote.bam"
bam_list_df = run_df %>%
distinct(fastqFileNumber, .keep_all = TRUE)
bam_list = unlist(map(pull(bam_list_df, fastqFileName), ~file.path(bam_prefix, paste0(., bam_suffix))))
bam_list = map(bam_list, ~c(., "/mnt/scratch/rnaseq_pipeline/align_count_results/run_5500/rnaseq_pipeline_results/run_5500_samples/align/Brent_3235_GTAC_1_SIC_Index2_08_TGAGGTTATC_AAGCACGT_S2_R1_001_sorted_aligned_reads_with_annote.bam"))
names(bam_list) = bam_list_df$fastqFileNumber
igvScriptAll = function(ffn){
for(locus in unique_loci){
granges = kn99_gff[kn99_gff$ID == locus & kn99_gff$type == 'gene']
basename = paste(ffn, locus, sep = "_")
bam_list = bam_list[[ffn]],
granges = granges,
igv_genome = Sys.getenv("kn99_stranded_igv_genome"),
output_dir = "/home/oguzkhan/Desktop/tmp/igv/",
output_file_basename = basename)
Running the IGV batch scripts
It is likely easiest just to cd into the place where you output the scripts
cd /home/oguzkhan/Desktop/tmp/igv/scripts
for batch_script in $(ls .); do
xvfb-run --auto-servernum igv.sh -b batch_script
I then scp these into the run directory before moving the run directory over to lts
scp -r /home/oguzkhan/Desktop/tmp/igv chasem@htcf.wustl.edu:/mnt/scratch/rnaseq_pipeline/align_count_results/run_5500/rnaseq_pipeline_results/run_5500_samples/
# then log into htcf, go to the pipeline output and move the whole run directory to lts
rsync -aHv run_5500_samples /lts/mblab/sequence_data/rnaseq_data/lts_align_count/