Create network subsets with highest scored edges
Given a network with edge scores, subset_network
sorts the network in descending order of score and
creates subsets using the top given numbers of edges.
The size of the subsets can either be determined by the total number of edges (if 'num_possible_TFs' is not specified)
or by the desired average number of target nodes from each possible source node (if 'num_possible_TFs' is set to a number > 0).
The latter option multiplies each element of 'edges' by 'num_possible_TFs' to get the number of
edges in each subset.
- input_file
a file containing the network to create subsets from. The file should be tab-separated with three columns: source node, target node, edge score
- output_directory
name of the folder in which to place the created network subset files
- name
base name for the created network subset files
- edges
list of total numbers of edges or average edges per TF to include in each subset
- num_possible_TFs
if set to a number > 0, the elements of 'edges' will first be multiplied by this number to get the number of edges for each subset